Editing Your Profile

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Editing Your Profile

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Your profile can be edited both by you and by an administrator. Other users (e.g. a mentee's mentor) may also be able to edit details, depending on their security privileges.


To edit your details:


1.Open your Profile page:




2.Click the Settings icon config_icon in the top right of the Profile page, then select Edit Profile.


Mentors and mentees should ensure that the following fields are up-to-date: Photo, About Me, Phone, Email, Skype and LinkedIn.

See Adding Mentor/Mentee Photo and Integrating with Skype and LinkedIn for more information.

In addition, mentors should ensure that they complete the Skills & Expertise section with any skills that may be relevant to a mentoring programme.

See Adding Skills for more information.

Mentors should also check or uncheck the Available to Mentor option as appropriate.


3.Make the required changes and click Save.