"I Can't Find A User"

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"I Can't Find A User"

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You may find that when you try to search for users, you cannot see everyone.


The most likely reason for this is that if you have sub-programmes set up in your system, only users who are assigned to a sub-programme to which you are also assigned will be visible.


For example:

If a user is not assigned to any sub-programmes, they will not be visible to anyone.
If a user is assigned to sub-programmes A and B, while you are assigned to sub-programme C, the user will not be visible to you, but will be visible to anyone on sub-programme A or sub-programme B.


Note: If you have only programmes set up (i.e. no sub-programmes), this issue should not arise.


To edit a user's programme and sub-programme assignments:


1.Click Admin in the menu on the left of the screen.


2.Click User Management:




3.Click the edit_icon2 icon next to the required user:




4.Check the check-box next to each program required.