Viewing Other Users' Details

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Viewing Other Users' Details

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You can always view all of your own information, but you will only be able to view a subset of the information about other users. Exactly what you can see will depend on the security privileges defined by the administrator, and whether you are viewing a mentor or mentee. The settings described below are the typical settings but these can be changed by the administrator.


Typical Mentor View

The screen below shows the detail a mentor will see for his own profile. Typically, when viewing other mentors, only the Profile page will be visible. A mentee can typically only view the contact details of his own mentor, and will not be able to see any detail of other mentors.





Typical Mentee View

The screen below shows the detail a mentee will see for his own profile. This is also the view that the mentee's mentor will see. Typically, no other users are able to view any mentee details.

