Reporting and Analysis

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Reporting and Analysis

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One of the most valuable features of MentorNet is the ability to oversee mentoring activity and to analyse the interactions between mentor and mentee. MentorNet gives the administrator key information about the effectiveness of each mentoring relationship and allows the administrator to focus on those relationships that require guidance or intervention.


MentorNet provides a wide range of reports and metrics that provide visibility into key areas such as how often mentors and mentees are communicating with each other, how developed each mentoring relationship is, and how has this changed over time. Data can then be exported to Excel if further analysis is required.


The information is delivered through a combination of high level dashboard and detailed reports.


Custom Reports


If you need additional reports that are not covered by the standard reports included within MentorNet, please contact sfG. We will be very happy to create them for you. Examples might include:


Users grouped by sub-programme, showing contact details
Activity logs created by month, grouped by sub-programme


These reports can then be exported to Excel for further analysis (e.g. to create an email list).