The content of forums is arranged in a hierarchical way. Your organisation can have multiple forums, and each forum can have multiple sub-forums. Within a sub-forum there can be multiple threads. A thread is a discussion or conversation between multiple users and each message within a thread is called a post. Users make posts in order to conduct a conversation within a thread.
Understanding forums and sub-forums:
1. | Click on the Forums menu on the left side of the screen. |
2. | Select the Forums item from the menu beneath:
3. | You will now see all the forums that have been created already, along with a brief description of each and the number of threads in each forum.
4. | Depending on your security privileges, you may be able to create new forums by clicking the Create New button, or delete or edit existing forums. These buttons will not appear if you do not have sufficient privileges.
5. | Clicking on any of the forum titles opens up all the sub-forums within the selected forum. Sub-forums works in exactly the same way as forums - they are simply a way of allowing you to structure your forums in a meaningful way.
6. | Clicking on any of the sub-forum titles opens up all the threads within that sub-forum:
7. | You will now see all the threads that have been started, along with details of who started the thread, who posted to it most recently, and how many posts and views there have been. |